
    Compensation of Academic Loss Programme (CALP)

    CALP is a school level programme to compensate for loss of studies of students in academic subjects due to movement outside school for participation in various activities/competitions/Cultural Events at Regional & National Level- like Sports/Scout & Guide/Exhibitions.
    Is ensures continuity of studies through special classes at the venue of event and extra classes at their home school on return.

    Compensation of Academic Loss Programme (CALP)
    S. No. Name Designation Subject Classes
    1 Mr. D P Chaubey PGT Mathematics XIIA
    2 MRS Priyanka Malik PGT PHYSICS XIIA
    3 MRS Ekta Sheoran PGT Chemistry XIIA
    4 MRS Ishita Pandey PGT Computer Science XIIA
    5 MR Ashok Kumar Kushwaha TGT Science XA
    6 MR. Ashwini TGT English XB